Kauffman Reunion Day Two
Today was not quite so hectic. Got to sleep in a bit, showered and went down for the continental breakfast. After breakfast we all took off for Piatt Castles in West Liberty, Ohio. I thought we would just go through one of the castles but did go through both, and am glad we did. They were both very interesting homes built by two brothers who were both very rich and interesting people. I had gone through one of the castles when I was a teenager and I think that is what influenced me to love the Victorian era so much. The homes were mostly furnished with original furniture with so many rooms we weren't even able to go through them all. One of the descendants still lives on one of the properties but in a much more modest home. After the castles we went back to Urbana to grab some food. Ate at Wendy's but the food really wasn't that great and very disappointing even for fast food. After lunch we went to visit Uncle Vance and Aunt Ginge...