Kansas City Day Two
What a day. Had breakfast in hotel. What a busy place. Had to wait our turn to get a table and chairs. I sure do hate that. Anyway, found a brochure of a little town called Brunswick about 1-1/2 hours north of here. The brochure talked about seeing pecan farms, Laura Ingalls Wilder home, pecan pie and other amenities. Off we went. Turns out the person who made the brochure forgot to tell the people in Brunswick tourists would be coming. The "town" was only a few blocks long and looked more like a ghost town than a tourist trap. I know pecans aren't in season but thought we might find a cute little restaurant and get a bite to eat, along with that slice of pecan pie. The closest thing we got to a meal was a ham and cheese sandwich that Hunk and I shared, along with a bag of chips and a couple of Fig Newtons from the Casey's gas station. It was such a sad, sorry little town. We queried the lady at Casey's where ...