To Whom It May Concern: Vacation Begins!!

I thought this would be a perfect time to try my hand at a blog.  Karen, I enjoy reading your weekly comments in your blog; it makes me feel much more involved in your and John's lives.  Of course seeing the photos of Megan is also a treat. And Dawn, I enjoyed your blog of Spain and being involved in your adventure in another land. Time went by much faster while you were gone, and I didn't have to bug you so much with my 20-questions conversations. 

I  have never thought of myself as writer, though I envy those who can put pen to paper, or in this case fingers to keyboard. So here goes...I wanted to document my trip to Arizona, short though it may be.  Ultimately this is a record for me, myself, and I; but you're welcome to join me or not on my Arizona vacation.

PRE-VACATION:  Sunday, 10/17/10, 5:40.  I have finished the laundry, cleaned the litter boxes, fed the dogs/cats and recharged cameras and phone.  I have given Dawn my to-do list for the week (Thanks Dawn for taking care of things this week, not that you had a choice in the matter).  If not for you, we wouldn't be going on this trip.  Still have to pack my bag and a snack for the plane ride to Arizona.  You may ask, why are you going there?  Well, Michael and his Cardinal baseball team are playing in a tournament there.  Hunk (a.k.a. Dad/John) and I have appointed ourselves "Team Parents." Of course we enjoy watching Michael play ball (and the reason we're going), but we have also grown quite fond of other players on the team.  Those boys, (now men) play for the love of the game and not because somebody is paying them a boatload of money like the pros.  No matter how far they go in the tournament, they should be very proud of themselves, because we will be.  I plan on putting pictures of the tournament, stadiums and places we visit on my blog so you to can feel a part of the experience, too.  I'm not the picture taker that my daughters and daughter-in-laws are, but I'll do my best.

I must say, if it wasn't for the kids, Hunk and I wouldn't travel anywhere. We are so looking forward to going, especially going somewhere that we have never been.  Sometimes, after a particularly long, tiring day, and I see or hear an airplane, I wonder where that plane is going and wish I was on that plane too.  Tomorrow, Hunk and I will be going on our own adventure.  Do I sound excited? Well, I am; Hunk and I should be doing this more often.  Okay, Hunk?!!  I think we should start planning a trip to Disney World with Alexa and Megan right now...



  1. Hope you guys have a fun time!!! Great job on your first blog!!!! (and if you're taking the girls to disney, I want in cause I don't remember going the first time!!) Love you!!!

  2. I look forward to following your Arizona adventures. Hopefully you keep your blog going because you did a really nice job on your first post! You guys definitely deserve this trip. Have fun!

  3. I'm so excited for you guys, and I want in on Disney too, Harry Potter Land is there and I know I will enjoy it just as much if not more than them. Have fun, and enjoy, I swear the house will be in one piece when you return. The quality of that piece is to be determine by my many hunk-like friends who will be visiting/staying the week that you are away, but don't worry Alexa will be the bouncer sorting out all the rift raff :) Have fun!


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